It has to be tough being related to a music legend. Emmy Russell has dealt with that her whole life because her grandmother is the late Loretta Lynn. It doesn't get much more legendary than that.
Emmy audition for American Idol and got a chance to share her voice with the world. She walked into the audition kind of quiet and shy. She was so quiet that the judges even asked for her microphone to be turned up so they could hear her. Then she shared her story which made the judges perk up a bit. Funny enough, Katy Perry and Lionel Richie seemed more shocked by the news than Luke Bryan did.
Emmy's family was on hand and her mom was asked why she may have been so nervous. This was her response:
“She just wanted to do this honestly [and say] ‘this is who I am and this is what I do and this is my heart,’” she explained. “I think that when you come from a musical family, the shadow is so big. How do I fill those shoes? Well the deal is, you don’t. You make your own shadow.”
Emmy got behind the piano and shared an original song she had written about an eating disorder. I'll be honest, it moved me to tears. The judges also felt the passion can watch the audition for yourself to find out what happened next.