Enjoying and respecting the outdoors is not exactly a skill that's being preached to our young people. There's this great big world out there at our fingertips, but we're all more concerned with what's happening on Instagram and in our email. I know, this sounds preachy. I don't mean it to be that way, but I think it is important for us to get outside more.
I spoke with Linda Akeson McGurk about her new book 'THE OPEN AIR LIFE: DISCOVER THE NORDIC ART OF FRILUFTSLIV AND EMBRACE NATURE EVERY DAY.' The Nordic people have an immense respect for the outdoors and they understand how we live within the natural world. There also are a lot of health benefits that come from spending more time outdoors.
I really enjoyed this conversation with Linda and I'm glad it will be my last interview of 2022. I think it's a great way to go out!