Every baseball fan will remember the start of the season when Orioles slugger Chris Davis set a new MLB record for the longest hitless streak. Even the biggest Orioles haters had to feel for Davis and his struggles. But one young fan felt it more than others, and he did something about it.
9-year-old Henry Frasca is a die hard Red Sox fan. While watching Davis battle at the plate, Frasca was inspired to reach out to offer a little inspiration. During the O's visit to Boston on April 13th, Frasca delivered a hand written note to one of the Orioles coaches.
"There are two things I want you to know; First, the way you play baseball has nothing to do with how good a person you are. But also, you have been so good; you have played in the MLB! You are great, don't give up. We are rooting for you!"
We'll never know for sure, but it would seem a little inspiration from that note helped Davis snap his streak with a single in the first inning of that game.
Unbeknownst to little Henry Frasca, Davis has kept that note in a bible he carries with him. The two finally met this past weekend in Boston and the result was nothing short of amazing.