On the plus side, crews will be trying to make the westbound span of the Bay Bridge better. On the down side, it's going to cause some traffic issues. Thankfully they are waiting until AFTER Labor Day.
Beginning after Labor Day and continuing through September the westbound right lane will be closed during weekdays. If you travel west to get to work, you'll want to plan your trip accordingly.
BUT...it gets worse in October. The long-term 24/7 right lane closure will start on October 1st and run through April 16th. The only time it will be lifted is for the Thanksgiving holiday.
From April 16th into May, it will just be closed during weekdays again. And this schedule will be repeated during the fall of 2020 and spring of 2021. It looks like some messy traffic situations are ahead for anyone that travels westbound.
CLICK HERE for more details.