A mom's anonymous Facebook post about brownies she made for a school bake sale has caused some serious controversy because of an ingredient substitution she made. She claims that when she didn't have the milk needed for the recipe, she just used her breast milk instead.
"I didn't have time to run to the store and didn't think it was a big deal (some of those kids could use the nutrition let's be honest)."
As you might expect, other parents flipped out when they found out about it. They lit up the post with plenty of angry comments.
"It's like that one time I made lemonade with my urine because I ran out of water and didn't feel like going to the store to get more."
"Honestly this is actually a damn near criminal offense! Brest milk, like blood or semen can carry diseases. Secretly feeding children that aren't yours baked good with your bodily fluids in them is gross, shady and borderline psychotic."
I have to admit, I probably wouldn't be too pleased about it. That's a decision I don't think someone else should be able to make for me.