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Homeless Man Gets Apartment For Coming To The Rescue Of Concert Bombing Victims

Stephen Jones' name is not one you are hearing much about, but he played a crucial part in the moments immediately following the deadly explosion in the UK on Monday.

Jones is a homeless man who was outside Manchester Arena when the blast took place.  He immediately jumped into action when he noticed what was going on. 

"It was children, a lot of children with blood all over them, crying and screaming.  If I didn't help, I wouldn't be able to live with myself for walking away and leaving kids like that."

While authorities have yet to give details of the device used by the attacker, Jones said he saw injuries he believed were caused by nails.

"And obviously when we are seeing children like that, with blood and, pulling nails out of their arms and stuff, and there were a couple in a girl's face."

His selflessness will never be forgotten by those he helped.  YOu are a good man, Stephen Jones.

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