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Massachusetts Judge Throws Out Murder Conviction Against Aaron Hernandez

It may be hard to believe, but former Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez will go down in history as an innocent man.

Even though he was convicted in 2015 of first-degree murder in the death of Odin Lloyd, his suicide wipes his slate clean, essentially.

Under a legal principal called "abatement ab initio," or abatement by death, first-degree murder convictions have been voided when the defendant dies before their appeals can be heard by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.  

Basically, because Hernandez died before his appeal could be heard, he is considered innocent in the eyes of the law.

But, he's still dead, so what does this really mean?

It means his family could make millions of dollars.  If he is considered innocent, his family would be allowed to go after the money that the Patriots and NFL refused to pay him after he was found guilty of killing Odin Lloyd.  If you're keeping track...that's millions of dollars.  

Also, it would keep Lloyd's family from being able to file a civil suit against Hernandez to get damages.  

The Massachusetts judge claims that we cannot presume to know why Hernandez took his life.  However, all signs seem to point toward the fact that he understood it might have been a powerful decision for his family.

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