The trial of Casey Anthony was arguably the biggest story of 2011. It didn't matter where you went, you saw her face plastered on some TV, magazine or newspaper. People were outraged when she was acquitted of murdering her two-year old daughter, Caylee.
Now, Casey is speaking out.
The 30-year-old said in an interview,
"I'm still not even certain as I stand here today about what happened."
What happened was, her two-year-old daughter went missing and was eventually found dead in the woods. Between the time of her disappearance and the time that Casey eventually reported her missing, the young mother went on with her partying lifestyle.
"Based off what was in the media, I understand the reasons people feel about me. I understand why people have the opinions that they do. My sentence was doled out long before there was a verdict. Sentence first, verdict afterward. People found me guilty long before I had my day in court."
You can read more about the interview HERE