We all know that cyber-bullying has taken on a life of its own and runs rampant, especially with our children. Now, it seems that kids have started up a new bullying game on Snapchat.
Blogger Rachaele Hambleton was appalled after he daughter told her about the new craze. The game encourages youngsters to try to come up with the worst personal insults about a given child's appearance, weight or personality.
Writing on Facebook, in the form of an open letter to her daughter, Hambleton said:
"You wrote your own story on Snatchat - telling everyone how disgusting this new game that they are playing is, you said how cruel and mean people are being and how you want no part in it. You've stood up to hundreds of teenagers, you've not followed suit or joined in with the crowds. I am so proud of you."
Hambleton said she was inspired to speak out after hearing about two 14-year-old schoolgirls who were driven to suicide by Snapchat bullies.
Talking with teens about just about anything can be uncomfortable. But, it is important to make sure they understand that their words can have a serious impact on other people.