Maryland Governor, Larry Hogan, has made it clear that he is taking the opioid and heroin epidemic seriously. It has become a huge issue in Maryland, and across the nation.
Bob Kozloski of Frederick is getting involved in the fight, too.
Bob lost his son, Joseph, to an overdose of prescription pills. He is backing Governor Hogan's bill that would impose a 30 year prison sentence on someone who gives opioids to someone that causes their death. But he wants changes so that the bill also applies to doctors.
"I have been here for the last three years chasing down different opportunites for the overdose epidemic. Today, I want to make sure that they in this bill make sure they add criminal charges to doctors who prescribe these pills for profit."
Kozloski said his son received the pills that lead to his death from a doctor that did not examine him for a back injury.
"Once you get the pills and the dosages and the frequency of taking them, you get hooked on them, because it is a brain disease."
A number of prosecutors have testified in favor of the bill, saying it will be a deterent to those who distribute opioids illegally.