A man convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl in Idaho was NOT given prison time, but was instead handed a rather odd sentence.
A judge had sentenced the 19-year-old man to five to 15 years in prison...but then suspended that for another option. Instead, he will have a year-long therapeutic prison program and probation with a twist...celibacy until marriage.
The suspect admitted to investigators that he had accumulated 34 sexual partners, and that's what prompted the judge's decision.
The judge was able to order the restriction under Idaho's rarely enforced 'fornication law,' which calls for a fine of up to $300 and six months in prison for "any unmarried person who has sexual intercourse with an unmarried person of the opposite sex."
Critics of the sentence are very upset and having a field day with the decision. There are many ways to poke holes in this sentence, but the obvious being that there's virtually no way to ensure the young man complies. Are police officers required to check on where he's sleeping every night? Putting him in prison would sure take care of that.