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Teen Runs Into Girl Who Looks Just Like Her. Months Later She Gets A Photo Of Another 'Twin'

I think it's safe to say that we've all bumped into someone that we thought looked like us.  But, imagine you saw a familiar face and it turned out to be your twin!

In September, Santana Gutierrez was attending college in California when she went to the mall.  While there, she was approached by a girl named Isobel, who was giving out information about the Save the Children fund.

While Isobel was explaining about the organization, Santana couldn't believe how much they looked alike.  The two took a picture together and it went up on social media.

That's when the madness started.  Shortly after that picture went up on Twitter, other doppelganger's started to show up.  

It got to the point where Santana even said she showed the pictures to her parents...just in case there was something they hadn't told her.  So far, none of these girls are actually related, but their resemblance is uncanny.  

Santana is still on contact with Isobel (the original 'twin') and hopes to get in touch with the others. But, for now, there are no new sisters for her...yet!

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