Jimmie sent me an "rough cut" early copy of his next Country radio single a month or two ago when he was still in the recording process. I LOVED it then and now that he's got the final mix, I'm even more convinced that "Smalltown Anthem" will follow "Best Shot", "Make Me Want To", "Freedom Was A Highway" and "Down Home" and become his 5th #1 on the Country chart. Remember where you heard it first! lol
I can't share the file that Jimmie texted me because it's not released publicly yet but trust me, you'll love it. Should be out in a week or two. Until then I've posted the video clip with a snippet of the song that Jimmie's team have released. Take a listen now. Oh and absolutely give this guy your support. He's not JUST a good guy because he's from Lower Slower Delaware. He's worked incredibly hard for all that he's accomplished and deserves all the success! Go Jimmie! MJ
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