Deep frying a turkey in oil on a wooden deck like a family did below could have ended up going really bad. This is serious as you'll see. in the second video. The fire department demonstrates what can happen.
Here's more on why this problem can easily get out of control and fast.
If you decide this IS something you want to do. Here are some very smart ideas as you prep. In fact, one viewer wrote, I have been frying a turkey every year for at least 20 years and this is the absolute best video I have ever seen. This is the best video for a first timer and veteran to go by. I saw this last year and went from my normal routine to this. It just made since! I am very impressed! This guy is spot on how to do it. if you follow his instruction to a tee you will be the love of your Thanksgiving dinner. From the way he starts the burner to the temp, to how you put it in. Great job brother.Oh and no I do not know Jeven nor ever met him. I live in Arkansas and I BBQ/cook all the time. Pay attention to the oil temp and the temp of the turkey. although I pull the turkey out at 165 to 170 deg. (must be the difference in climate) and let it rest for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Dang good turkey. if you slice the turkey before you let it rest (covered with foil) it will be dry within 5 or 10 minutes. so yes let it rest (set). Thank you brother... Mike Gindlesberger, Greenwood Arkansas. God Bless us all in our great USA!!!