Michael J.

Michael J.

Michael J is keeping you in touch everywhere you find Country music: on the air, on-line and with the iHeartRadio app! If it's happening in...Full Bio


Philly restaurant REFUSES to serves Houston Astros players before game!

Philly is known as the City of Brotherly Love NOT the City of Love thy Sports Competitor! Eagles fans are famous for their super charged fandom and obviously with the return to the World Series for the first time in 14 years, Philly fans are making their voices heard too. But I ask you, classy or not? Where do you come down on this?

Angelo’s Pizzeria in South Philadelphia, (according to locals their pie is legendary). went on the record refusing to provide food for the visiting team.

“If you think I’d cook for the Astros, you’re out of your mind,” a man said in a video posted to the eatery’s Instagram account. “We said no to them.”

According to the New York Post, "The Astros didn’t have much luck at Mike’s BBQ, either. The restaurant posted a text exchange with the team that didn’t seem to get very far.

While Houston is widely loathed by a number of fanbases across MLB — and at least one Phillies player on the roster — the treatment might not have anything to do with the franchise’s recent history of cheating. It seems more likely it’s just a good old fashion dose of Philly hospitality."

Considering the intensity of fans these days,I think the visitors either need to order without ANYONE knowing their true identity or they should pack their own meals from home. Seems safer for the league and the teams to provide for the players anyway. Who knows what some crazy fan could put in food or drink anyway right?

You can give your opinion here. I'll bet this ends up being the best ad for Angelo's Pizzeria ever though. Philly fans will flock in even greater numbers to Angelo's now! lol .

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