Michael J.

Michael J.

Michael J is keeping you in touch everywhere you find Country music: on the air, on-line and with the iHeartRadio app! If it's happening in...Full Bio


Can you believe the WORLD NAKED BIKE RIDE is really a THING?

Now I don't necessarily disagree with anything these protesters stand for or should I say strip for. I just don't understand the fascination with Naked Bike Riding. Think about the physics and the feeling of the bike seat even WITH clothing. I'd last about a block. LOL. But whatever rocks your world I guess. They are for sure getting the attention they are apparently seeking! The family friendliest video clip is posted here. If you search on Youtube, you'll have no problem finding LOTS of far more graphic videos of what is involved in the "Sport". Not sure it will be in the Olympics though anytime soon, I mean where do you keep your sun block?

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