Michael J.

Michael J.

Michael J is keeping you in touch everywhere you find Country music: on the air, on-line and with the iHeartRadio app! If it's happening in...Full Bio


Sending Positivity and Prayers up for Toby Keith

Toby Keith revealed in a tweet yesterday that he would be taking a step back from touring while he continues to heal from a battle with stomach cancer. I am praying hard for him and his wish Trish and family just like Toby has done for so many others. Maybe you've heard Toby is supports our military with songs like "American Soldier" and "Courtesy of the Red White and Blue" but do you also realize he's gone on NINE USO tours, beginning in 2002, performing for service members in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia, Macedonia, Bahrain, Belgium, Cuba, Djibouti, Germany, Italy, South Korea, Cuba, and Kyrgyzstan. He's flown in war zones under fire to bring positivity, support and love through his music to our troops. You may have heard he's charitable but did you know The Toby Keith Foundation has been helping children with cancer since 2006 and has streamlined its efforts around no-cost housing for children with cancer. In 2014, the foundation opened OK Kids Korral, a cost-free, convenient and comfortable home for pediatric cancer patients receiving treatment at The Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center, Stephenson Cancer Center and other nearby facilities. "There is no greater gift than keeping families strong and together during a difficult time. If we can alleviate stress on a family, encourage a brother or sister and comfort a sick child, then we will make a difference in the fight against cancer."- Toby and Trisha run this non profit themselves and have donated millions of dollars to help heal sick children, suffering ironically something similar to what our buddy Toby has been fighting himself.

I know you know his music, but I want you to know his heart is huge and if anyone deserves our prayers it's Toby. -Mj

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