Michael J.

Michael J.

Michael J is keeping you in touch everywhere you find Country music: on the air, on-line and with the iHeartRadio app! If it's happening in...Full Bio


Another Country Star from Maryland? Meet Jimmy Charles & watch THIS Video!

In just the past few years Country music fans have fallen in love with,

The Brothers Osborne


Sam Grow

Maggie Rose

Jackson Dean

and now meet Jimmy Charles! He's a talented guy and this is another example of the emotional connection Jimmy is making with fans singing about his family.

I've been listening to Jimmy for a few years and I think this new video he just dropped is one of his best yet. I spent the weekend listening to it and I really believe one of the Country record labels in Nashville needs to sing him. This could be a Big Hit imho. I'd love it if you could watch and give me your opinion too!

Meet Jimmy Charles

This will give you ALL the feels. If you love it to share it with your friends and let’s get Jimmy on the BiG stage!

Michael J On Air

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