Michael J.

Michael J.

Michael J is keeping you in touch everywhere you find Country music: on the air, on-line and with the iHeartRadio app! If it's happening in...Full Bio


Learn from my MISTAKE. Looking for Screening in your Yard? Go Green Giant!

Heads up to ANYONE looking at doing privacy screening. Learn from my mistake. About 15 years ago when we first moved into our home, we wanted to screen the yard from our neighbor and we found out about the fast growing Leyland Cypress. We planted a 100 foot row. The grew fast and offered great color and screening. THEN Winter and heavy snow trashed them. Because Leylands grow so fast, they have weak structure that is easily weighed over by snow and ice. Wind damage is devastating on these trees. Worse yet, as they grown quickly when planted too close, the side that doesn't get sun dies further weakening the structure. The Solution? I tore them out and planted GREEN GIANT ARBORVITAE. Let me tell you why... They are stronger, offer the same if not better privacy and do not suffer from snow and ice. MUCH BETTER CHOICE. Here's what they look like. For screening, I would ONLY use GREEN GIANTS. NEVER LEYLANDS. Trust me you'll be happy. If you are looking for them here's what Meadows Farms can do. Privacy Screening Installation Sale

Green Giant arborvitae 7-8 feet $569 each installed - 5 or more $449 each

Green Giant arborvitae 8-9 feet $699 each installed - 5 or more $559 each

Emerald Green arborvitae 5-6 feet $229 each installed - 5 or more $179 each

Meadows Farms Landscape Department offers a number of evergreens from four to twelve feet tall ideal for privacy screens, with varieties growing from eight to more than fifty feet tall. Our landscape designers can help you select the perfect evergreen for your privacy screen. Installation prices include the plant and labor for planting. The installation price does not include soil amendments or mulch that might be required. This offer cannot be combined with other discounts. Trees and shrubs installed by Meadows Farms are covered by our Lifetime Warranty. Offers expires May 1, 2022.

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