Listen to me clearly. I AM NOT vaccine shaming you or anyone. We all face and make possibly life changing decisions every day. But what I am asking is, How many more people are going to die from covid saying 'I should have gotten the vaccine' before YOU finally decide to get vaccinated?
This story just aired on the TV 11 news here in Baltimore. Here is what was reported from from the wife of the 10,000 th Covid death in Maryland.
"On Thursday, state records showed that 10,011 Marylanders have died from COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. For one Pasadena woman, 10,000 isn't just a number. The loss of her husband from COVID-19 is still raw and fresh. John Erbe died just weeks ago from COVID-19. It's left his wife, Tabetha Erbe, devastated.
"He was a good man. He was a great husband, terrific father -- so lost without him," Tabetha Erbe said. During the first week in August, Tabetha Erbe said she and her husband began to feel sick. "We were just really sick. It felt like we had flu symptoms, then before when we went to bed, we started getting fevers and chills. On the sixth, we woke up, we couldn't taste. We were like, 'We most likely have COVID-19,'" Tabetha Erbe said. And they did, testing positive on Aug. 10. John Erbe had to be admitted to the hospital. Tabetha Erbe said they were met with a cold reception.
"As soon as they find out that you have COVID and you tell them you don't have a shot, they're done. They literally said, 'Well you sealed your own fate. I guess you should have got a shot,'" Tabetha Erbe said. Tabetha Erbe said the two were waiting for the vaccines to be out for a year. "Our thing was — we really didn't want to be guinea pigs, and, yet, we ended up being a statistic," Tabetha Erbe said. Tabetha Erbe said she did her best to advocate for her husband from afar through Zooms. "He said, 'I don't want to die have a lot to live for. Fight for me, keep me alive,'" Tabetha Erbe said.
She said she did fight every day to advocate for him. But on Aug. 29, COVID won. Now Tabetha Erbe's days are spent trying to be strong for their 4-year-old and adult daughters. Tabetha Erbe said a vaccine is in her future, especially after her husband said this: "My husband did say, 'I'm sorry. I was stubborn. Maybe I should have got the vaccine.'" "My honest advice: Wash your hands, safe distance, wear a mask around people," Tabetha Erbe said. "A piece of me is definitely missing. I wake up every morning and I cry. I look at my daughter, I wipe off my tears and that's what gets me through this." A link to a GoFundMe page supporting the Erbe family can be found here. "
Just a couple more comments here from me, Michael J. MRNA vaccines are NOT new and doctors will tell you, you are NOT a "guinea pig" as Mrs Erbe stated. Hundreds of scientists had worked on mRNA vaccines for decades before the coronavirus pandemic brought a breakthrough. As far back as 1978, scientists had used fatty membrane structures called liposomes to transport mRNA into mouse3 and human4 cells to induce protein expression. The liposomes packaged and protected the mRNA and then fused with cell membranes to deliver the genetic material into cells. These experiments themselves built on years of work with liposomes and with mRNA; both were discovered in the 1960s (see ‘The history of mRNA vaccines’).
There is SO much misinformation. Get the facts