Michael J.

Michael J.

Michael J is keeping you in touch everywhere you find Country music: on the air, on-line and with the iHeartRadio app! If it's happening in...Full Bio


More than 80 exposed to COVID at school when parent knowingly sends child!

It's being reported that a parent, while aware that their child had testing positive for COVID-19, sent the child to school, exposing more than 80 students on the first day of school, the Washoe County Health District said Wednesday. This same parent has also tested positive for COVID-19 and has refused contact with the school district and health officials.  The Washoe County School District didn't release info about how many students at Marce Herz Middle School they excluded on the second day of a new school year. Those who were notified can't return until Aug. 20 if they have not been fully vaccinated. 

Here's the full story.

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