Michael J.

Michael J.

Michael J is keeping you in touch everywhere you find Country music: on the air, on-line and with the iHeartRadio app! If it's happening in...Full Bio


Earthquakes aren't for Cali. BALTIMORE got it's second quake in three days!

The first quake registered 2.6-magnitude on the Richter scale on Friday afternoon near Woodlawn, just over the Baltimore City/Baltimore County line, the US Geological Survey reported. Then early Sunday, another tremor of 1.7-magnitude occurred in West Baltimore, the USGS said. A 5.8-magnitude earthquake was felt in Maryland in 2011 but was centered in Virginia. Damage was strewn throughout the Baltimore area from fallen trees and bricks from buildings. That quake released 63,000 times more energy and shook the ground 1,500 times harder than Friday's earthquake.

Californians are probably laughing at this even making news!

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