Warning These photos linked here are graphic. There's no doubt shootings are up. Year over year. In 2020, gun violence killed nearly 20,000 Americans, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive, more than any other year in at least two decades. An additional 24,000 people died by suicide with a gun. So far this year more than 8,400 people have died from gun violence in the United States this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive, with over 240 mass shootings as of June 1.
In 2020, people purchased about 23 million guns, a 64 percent increase over 2019 sales, according to a Washington Post analysis of federal data on gun background checks.
Are you changing your habits in anyway as a result?
Remember this, while sadly some 44,000 deaths last year in the U.S. involved firearms in some capacity - the National Safety Council said 42,060 Americans died in auto crashes in 2020. While 690,882 died of heart disease and 598,932 died of cancer.
It's all relative right?