My little girl. She's growing up WAY too fast. I can't believe my Hope is 10. But I know she is because I've got the pictures from the last several years of the annual Girl Scouts 'Daddy/Daughter' dance. Each year, someone comes up with a theme. There was the year we were Formal, the 50's greaser, the Hawaiin luau and now this year it's the PAJAMA PARTY. Thank goodness I have a wife who doubles as our stylist. Tomorrow night, looks like Hope and I with be well representing Charles Shultz and his 'Peanuts' gang. Follow me on Twitter @michaeljonair and I may get up the nerve to show you some pics from the party! And Dad's, take it from me, when you get the chance to spend time with your kids, don't miss it. You may not get a second chance - Michael J
Michael J is keeping you in touch everywhere you find Country music: on the air, on-line and with the iHeartRadio app! If it's happening in...Full Bio