I swear, since discovering Sheet Pan Dinners, my life has changed!
Imagine making 4 full servings, having no dishes, and spending $10.
I know it sounds like I'm describing the impossible but it's totally real, and I do it every week! We have a sheet pan dinner at least once a week because the options are really endless.
Here's the basic formula you want to use for creating your sheet pan meal:
Protein + Starchy vegetable + Green vegetable + Dry spices
So.... chicken thighs, potatoes, and green beans. Chicken breasts, carrots, and broccoli. Etc, etc, etc.
For my family, Sheet Pan Dinners really come in handy later in the week when we're starting to run a bit low on food in the fridge. I can use a odd combination of whatever I happen to have on hand. A half a leftover bell pepper... Some red onion and some yellow onion... mushrooms that look like they're on their last legs... It's one of those anything-but-the-kitchen-sink kind of dinners that cleans out your fridge and helps my family waste less food.
But even when I plan ahead for Sheet Pan Dinners, they're so cheap. So cheap. My favorite one is what I'll show you here. It makes four FULL servings, and I spend less than $10 to get it all.
Plus, there are no pots and pans. No mess at all!
Let's get to it. Here's what you need:
- four sweet potatoes
- four bunches of broccolini
- one large yellow onion
- a couple cloves of garlic
- one package of chicken sausage
Again, you can really use whatever you want/have on hand! But this combo is my favorite.
When making sheet pan dinners, you'll also need to have the following:
- olive oil
- dry spices (whatever you prefer: salt, pepper, paprika, oregano, rosemary, thyme... I like onion and garlic powder, but this is all up to you!)
- nonstick spray (canola oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil are great because they have a high tolerance for heat.)
- 1-2 sheet pans, depending on how many servings you want to make. 1 pan = 2 servings
- a cutting board and a good knife
- Tin foil *if you want easy clean-up! You absolutely don't need this, but on busy weeknights it's helpful.
Here's what you do:
- Preheat the oven to 425 degrees
- Wash, dry, and dice your sweet potatoes. In a large bowl, coat them in olive oil and dry spices. Spread them evenly around a greased sheet pan. Pop into the oven and set a timer for 15 minutes.
- While your potatoes cook, slice your sausage and onions. Spread them evenly on a second greased sheet pan.
- When the timer goes off, toss the potatoes, and add the second sheet pan to the oven, on a rack on top of the potatoes. Set a timer for 15 minutes.
- While your sausage, onions, and potatoes cook, wash and dry your broccolini. Using the bowl from the potatoes, lightly coat the broccolini in olive oil and dry spices. Finely chop the garlic and set it aside.
- When the timer goes off, toss the onions and sausage and return to the oven. Take out the sheet pan with the potatoes and push them all onto one side. On the now-empty side, place the broccolini and sprinkle the garlic on top. Return the sheet pan to the oven for about 7 minutes, until the broccolini is lightly roasted.
TA DAAAA! Enjoy! And let me know of any great combos you love!