Robby Stempler, CEO of Hygea Healthcare




Robby Stempler is a pioneering figure in the realm of

addiction treatment, renowned as the CEO and founder of

Hygea Healthcare is a network of esteemed treatment

centers dedicated to battling addiction and fostering

recovery. Stempler's journey into this vital field was

inspired by a profound awareness of the gaps in existing

rehabilitation services. Having battled his addiction to

Vicodin, Stempler intimately understands the challenges

and complexities individuals face on the path to recovery.

His introduction to the behavioral healthcare space began during his tenure at KIPU, an

electronic medical records software startup focused on serving addiction treatment

facilities. Stempler's firsthand experience with addiction, coupled with his expertise in

technology and healthcare, fueled his passion to innovate and improve the landscape of

addiction treatment. Kipu is the industry standard EMR for addiction treatment centers,

which was sold in January of 2021 for over $290 million to TCV Partners. KIPU currently has

over 2,000 addiction treatment facilities utilizing its software.

Armed with comprehensive knowledge of rehabilitation practices, Stempler embarked

on his mission to address the pressing need for enhanced detox and recovery facilities,

particularly in the Los Angeles area. In 2015, he took the pivotal step of founding Malibu

Detox is a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with addiction. Stempler's vision was

rooted in providing compassionate, evidence-based, individualized care that prioritized

not only detoxification but also the essential aspects of long-term recovery. He grew

Malibu to 5 properties before selling in June 2023.

The genesis of Malibu Detox marked the beginning of Stempler's unwavering

commitment to transforming lives and communities ravaged by addiction. Witnessing

the revolving door of clients seeking treatment, only to relapse and return, Stempler

recognized a dire need for sustained, high-quality residential care. This realization

propelled him to expand his endeavors to his hometown of Baltimore, MD, culminating

in the establishment of HYGEA Healthcare.

Under Stempler's visionary leadership, Hygea Healthcare has emerged as a beacon of

excellence in addiction treatment, offering a comprehensive continuum of care tailored

to individual needs. Stempler's approach emphasizes holistic healing, integrating

evidence-based therapies, personalized treatment plans, and a nurturing environment

conducive to long-term recovery.

Most recently, drawing from his experiences and insights, Stempler founded Pretaa in

2022, an innovative monitoring and outcome measurement platform designed to provide

valuable insights on clients through biometric data. Pretaa’s initial strategic partnership

was with Google’s Fitbit device. Currently over 25 facilities are using Pretaa to help with

their clients’ treatment plans and aftercare services.

Prioritizing individualized treatment paths, Robby sees success as going beyond just

whether or not clients stay clean and sober. “How is the job going? How are your bills?

How are the family, friends, and support relationships? There are a million data points

we can look at…Outcomes are the most important thing.”

Taking what he has learned throughout his life, from his own experience with formal

education to his work in multiple industries, Robby’s vision is to alter the course and find

a better way.

“Unless I am disrupting, I am bored. The goal is to spread this so we can impact more

than the clients at the facility that are inside our four walls. There are multiple ways to

do that, especially with the utilization of technology. The goal is to positively impact

people’s lives on the largest scale possible.”

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