Photo: Liudmila Chernetska / iStock / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Everyone has probably seen the TV shows with EXTREME HOARDERS- but according to a new survey, a LOT of Americans dabble in hoarding to some degree.
Half of us say we have at least one room in our home that's "unsalvageable" due to all the clutter.
34% of people say their home feels "cramped." And 55% of people wish they didn't have to get rid of stuff to have enough space.
And the average person wishes they had THREE more rooms in their home.
People with hoarder tendencies were asked which things were the hardest to purge, and the top responses were...
1. Clothes (I relate to this one. I still have clothes from my teens that I can't hand down or donate. My solution was to build another closet when we did our upstairs remodel. I'm a work in progress :) )
2. Kitchen equipment
- Appliances
- Dishware
- Gadgets
3. Hobby items
4. Shoes
5. Groceries / food items
6. Furniture
7. Seasonal décor, which is stored away taking up space for most of the year
8. Memorabilia
9. Random / one-off items . . . if you look around your house, you'll understand what this means
10. Books.
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