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You see all kinds of things when you live next door to someone, but some leave you with more questions than answers. A new Reddit post has people revealing what they’ve been surprised with by asking, “What strange thing is your neighbor doing?” Hundreds of people have responded so far and these are some of the most entertaining.
- “So my neighbor has this creepy mannequin in his living room window, and he dresses it up in different outfits every few days no joke it’s like it’s staring right at my place and idk what his deal is but it’s lowkey freaky”
- “My neighbor has started setting up elaborate, life-sized dinosaur sculptures in their yard, and they change the scene every few days. It’s pretty strange but kind of entertaining to see what they’ll come up with next. I guess everyone has their own way of having fun.”
- “Across the street neighbor feeds the stray cats outside. After he empties the food on their plate, he runs his fingers inside of the can and licks the remaining cat food off his fingers.”
- “Building a bunker. But this has been going on for at least 10 years. Running his bobcat in the middle of the night. He works for the government so maybe he knows something we don't.”
- “A friend of mine has a neighbor who sometimes walks around in a gas mask. No one can confirm who he is.”
- “My neighbor mows his lawn at the crack of dawn every Sunday. Not so weird, right? Except he does it dressed as Darth Vader, complete with the breathing sounds. I'm not sure if he's embracing the Dark Side or just really into Star Wars-themed yard work.”
- “My neighbor has a garden gnome army in their front yard, and they keep rearranging them into weird formations. It’s like they’re plotting something!”
- “My neighbor’s been hosting a weekly “spontaneous dance party” in their garage, complete with disco lights and all”
- “Mine walks his dog wearing a leather trench coat, a pikachu hat, and slippers that look like bear feet no matter the weather 🥵. Him not the dog lol.”
- “Hunting with a flashlight for golf balls in my yard, that he hit over into my yard when he practices his swing. Bonus points for being both drunk, and in his underwear.”
Source: Reddit