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We’ve got bad news for those who believe that drinking “liquor before beer” mitigates hangovers. German scientists have debunked this popular college student hypothesis, proving that the hooch headache hits the same no matter which order one imbibes their beverages. The research specifically addressed several popular sayings: “Beer before liquor, never been sicker”; “Grape or grain, but never the twain [never beer and wine on the same night]; Beer before wine and you’ll feel fine.” Since time immemorial, college revelers and other boozers have touted these mantras as a way to binge drink sans suffering a hangover (theoretically allowing tipplers to have their gin and drink it too). Unfortunately, despite these maxims’ dubious nature, researchers haven’t been able to give them the old college try. This was, in part, due to lack of funding and time, according to Dr. Kai O. Hensel, a researcher at Helios University Hospital Wuppertal in Germany, who helmed the study.