Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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Weirdest items left in a hotel room

Beautiful modern hotel room

Foto: Ziga Plahutar / E+ / Getty Images

Photo Credit: Getty Images

We’ve all returned home from a trip and realized we mistakenly left something behind in our hotel room, thankfully, it’s often just a phone charger or toothbrush. Common items like this are often overlooked when we’re packing, then found by the housekeeping staff after we check out, but sometimes people forget really unexpected things.

EasyJet Holidays, a travel company, surveyed 100 hotels in their network of destinations in Europe to find out the strangest things left behind by guests in the last year. These are the top 10 weirdest items found in their hotel rooms.

  1. Dentures
  2. Witchcraft paraphernalia
  3. Prosthetic limbs
  4. Glass eye
  5. Grandma’s ‘lucky’ tea cup
  6. Thousands of German Marks
  7. Clown costume
  8. Inflatable boat
  9. Caviar
  10. Rosary beads

Source: EasyJet Holidays

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