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Yes, college is about making mistakes and learning from them. But it’s also about growing and learning as a person, too. Do that by not repeating other people’s college mistakes! Recently, the millennials of the “Buzzfeed Community” shared their biggest regrets from their college days, and here’s what you may want to think twice about before repeating.
- "I regret not choosing the major I really wanted and wasting so much time because of it. I was afraid to chase after the dream I've always had because I allowed people to convince me it wasn't even an option."
- "I regret taking a 'break' after I got my AA degree. I planned to take a year off, but didn't end up going back and finishing my BS until seven years later. By then, the tuition had almost doubled. People warned me that once you stop it's hard to go back, but I didn't listen."
- "I regret making partying my priority rather than focusing on my education. I used to say my major was partying and my minor was men. SMH."
- "I regret not taking advantage of free events, amenities, and activities. Having a free gym membership, pool access, camping gear rentals, and more were extremely under-utilized. Also, I wish I'd joined a sport or more clubs that interested me earlier on. It's free and easy to try something new when you have nothing to lose except for a little time."
- "I regret not understanding financial aid and student loans before taking them out. I had scholarships and money saved, but I still ended up $150K in debt. I'm steadily paying it off, but I wish I had understood exactly what I was signing up for. It's made post-graduation life much more challenging knowing that a huge payment is due every month."
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