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Halloween is almost here, and the debate is here again: How old is too old to go trick-or-treating? While it's generally agreed that nobody should still be asking door-to-door for candy when they hit their 20s, there's no consensus on the cut-off point for teenagers, NPR reports. Some towns still ban older teenagers from trick-or-treating, including Belleville, Illinois, where a city law states that it is "unlawful for any person to appear on the streets, highways, public homes, private homes or public places in the city to make trick or treat visitations" unless they are in the eighth grade or below." Other cities and towns put the age limit at 12, 13, or 14. Curfews are also common, with Belleville putting the time limit at 8:30pm. In Chesapeake, one of many places in Virginia with an age limit on trick-or-treaters, a law dating from the 1970s used to threaten trick-or-treaters over 12 with six months in jail. In Portsmouth, Virginia, where the age limit is still 12, police say an age limit helps stops teenagers causing disturbances—and taking all the candy.