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Wine influencer Kimberlee Lizakowski, known online as That Blonde Wino, revealed the perfect wine and Halloween candy pairings to help you enjoy your childhood favorites with an adult twist for those 21 and up.
“I’m such a fan of wine pairings because the perfect pairing can enhance the flavors of what you’re enjoying, and wine and candy are no different!” Lizakowski told The Post.
Americans are gearing up to spend $3.6 billion on candy this spooky season — up from last year’s $3.1 billion — according to data from And since the average consumer will shell out about $32 on sweets, there are likely leftovers to be had.
Whether you’re helping your child devour a whole tote of treats or snacking on what the local kids didn’t pick up from your front step, these are the perfect pairings, per Lizakowski:
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and merlot
A smooth and creamy bite of a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup washes down well with a sip of merlot. A nice glass of merlot goes best with America’s favorite candy — Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. “The warm fruity notes of merlot pair well with the chocolate-peanut butter perfection of a Reese’s,” the Blonde Wino said.
Sour Patch Kids and pinot grigio
The sour and sweet flavors of Sour Patch Kids — New Yorkers’ favorite candy — are paired best with a fruity yet crisp gulp of pinot grigio. “A crisp white like pinot grigio tones down the tartness of the candy,” Lizakowski explained.
M&M’s and Gamay
“A light, fruity red pairs nicely with the milk chocolate in M&M’s and with their extra sugar kick from the candy coating,” the wine expert explained. A colorful handful of chocolate M&M’s should be enjoyed with a light-bodied gamay, but a scoop of Peanut M&M’s tastes better with a full-bodied malbec.
Peanut M&M’s and malbec
“The chocolate in M&M’s mixed with malbec’s velvet-like finish and the slight saltiness of the peanuts is the perfect combination,” Lizakowski said. Chocolates and red wine are almost always a good idea.
Starburst and viognier
If you prefer something sweeter, put the M&M’s away and unwrap some Starbursts as you pour yourself a splash of viognier. “With Starbursts being so juicy, a full-bodied viognier is the perfect match,” the wine connoisseur said.
Twizzlers and Sangiovese
If you’re still in the mood for something fruity but have already snacked on all the Starbursts, chew on some Twizzlers — or use them as a straw — as you sip on some sangiovese wine. “A lot of the fruity notes found in Twizzlers such as cherry and plum, can also be found in a sangiovese with the addition of its roasted pepper, tomato and spiced notes that elevate this piece of candy,” Lizakowski explained.
Candy corn and chardonnay
For those who enjoy munching on possibly the most controversial Halloween treat, candy corn, a classic glass of chardonnay will help elevate the artificial flavors of the sugary treat. “The creaminess of a chardonnay complements the flavors in candy corn nicely by muting some of that high-sugar taste,” the influencer said.
Hershey’s and zinfandel
Going with another classic, a milk chocolate Hershey’s bar is best paired with the fruity yet smoky taste of zinfandel. “The fruit-forward notes in zinfandel balance out the classic creamy flavors in a Hershey’s bar. The chocolate mellows the tannins in the wine,” Lizakowski said.
Kit Kat and pinot noir
As you continue to dig through the candy bowl, uncork a dry bottle of pinot noir as you break a few Kit Kats. “The jammy notes in a pinot noir are a nice complement to the chocolate coating of a Kit Kat,” Lizakowski noted.
Twix and cabernet sauvignon
Open a tannin-y bottle of cabernet sauvignon as you bite into a Twix bar. “A bold cab paired with a more complex candy like Twix and its many different layers of flavor with cookie, caramel and chocolate keeps you wanting more with every bite,” Lizakowski said. But you might get into double toil and trouble if you’re considering cuddling up on the couch to watch a scary movie with a glass of wine and some candy before bed.