Photo: Andy Ryan / Stone / Getty Images
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The average American coffee drinker consumes about three 8-ounce cups every day, per the National Coffee Association, but they’ll need to eke out just one more to attain the life-enhancing benefits of bean juice, according to new findings. The recent study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, reveals that adults with a higher intake of caffeinated drinks were less frail and had significantly better physical function later in life. According to the study methodology, physical frailty was determined by at least two out of the four following traits: exhaustion, weight loss of 10% or more between follow-ups, poor balance and a weak hand grip. Based on their findings, researchers were able to determine that drinking coffee, black tea or green tea at midlife was “independently associated” with a largely reduced risk of physical frailty in late life. Furthermore, those who had four or more cups of coffee per day had a substantially decreased likelihood of frailty later in life compared to those who didn’t have a daily cup of joe. Those who drank black or green tea daily also showed largely reduced chances of frailty compared to non-tea drinkers.