Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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What is the biggest contributer to failed relationships?

Frustrated upset couple after quarrel sitting on sofa at home

Photo: Getty Images

Photo Credit: Getty IMages

Some relationships end because of ONE bad thing. For others, it's a combination of factors. 

A new survey asked people what has contributed to their failed relationships . . . and asked them to check all that apply. Here are the 10 most popular culprits:


1. Clinginess, 43% said that has played a role.

2. Overuse of social media, 42%.  (It's GOOD to see this one so high.)

3. Poor hygiene, 42%

4. No sense of humor . . . or a very different sense of humor, 41%

5. Being too obsessed with their pet, 40%

6. Poor manners, 38%

7. Not liking a specific food, 35%

8. Being too talkative, 31%

9. Being too messy, 25%

10. Never washing the dishes, 18%.

 "Bad sex" was all the way down at #18. Only 12% say that's been a significant factor.



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