Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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No one noticed these 10 trends that disappeared!

People dancing at the international Flashmob day of Rueda de Casino in Krakow, Poland

Photo: Getty Images

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Annoying trends will fade away into obscurity . . . eventually. There's a thread online where people are talking about cultural things that "quietly went away without anyone noticing." They include:


1. Waterbeds

2. Facebook "poke wars"

3. "When you turned off the TV, how the image would shrink to a dot before slowly fading away"

4. Flash mobs

5. Traveler's checks

6. HQ Trivia

7. "ROFL" . . . now we just go straight from LOL to LMAO.

8. Planking

9. Ringtones

10. Those black plastic bases on two-liter soda bottles.

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