Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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Guilty Pleasure movies!

3d rendering of a video reel with video film stretching around a big bucket full of popcorn

Photo: Getty Images

Photo Credit: Getty Images

"Entertainment Weeklyput together a list of the 20 best guilty pleasure movies. Try not to feel too bad if your favorite movie is on here . . . the guilt is the best part.



Here they are, in no particular order:



1.  "Streets of Fire" (1984)


2.  "Hot Rod" (2007)


3.  "Showgirls" (1995)


4.  "Maid in Manhattan" (2002)


5.  "Overboard" (1987):  This one's a beloved romantic comedy, but you SHOULD feel guilty for enjoying watching Goldie Hawn's character get kidnapped, gaslit, and tricked into sex thinking she's Kurt Russell's wife.


6.  "Twilight" (2008)


7.  "Hope Floats" (1998)


8.  "Pretty Woman" (1990)

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