Photo: Getty Images
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Happy New Year!
As we look around our homes after the holiday rush, you might find yourself saying: "How did it get this out of control?!"
Just as my blood pressure started to rise and I felt like the producers of hoarders would soon be calling, The Today show put together a list of 100 things to toss from your home in the new year! I must admit that many of their suggestions are on point. I mean, who doesn't have expired food in their pantry or freezer and why did I keep a coffee mug that is chipped when I have 20 more?
For Example:
- Expired food and condiments in the fridge
- Frozen food so old you don’t even remember what it is
- Expired spices
- Leftover seasonal or themed party plates or napkins you’ll never use again
- Plastic containers with missing lids
- Chipped coffee cups
- Rusted or broken tools or appliances
- Cookbooks you never open
- Extra water bottles
- Ratty dish towels
- Extra flower delivery vases
- Expired makeup
- Expired sunscreen
- Stretched-out rubber bands
- Old toothbrushes
- Ratty washcloths
- Extra towels (Two to three per person is enough)
- Loofahs that have seen better days
- Dried-up nail polish
- Extra bath products
- Extra cleaning supplies
- Half-empty perfume samples
- Extra travel-sized toiletries
- Potpourri that’s lost its scent
- Fancy bar soap you’ll never use
- The disposable razors you purchased but realized you hated using
- Extra promotional makeup bags
- Expired medicine (Make sure to flush excess or dispose at proper location )
- Books you’ve already readThe stack of magazines you’ll never have time to read
- Old pillows (They should be replaced every year.)
- Excessive decorative throw pillows
- The side chair you throw all your clothes on
- Broken window blinds
- Yellowed lampshades
- Papers you don’t need anymore
- Old cell phones or tablets
- Costume jewelry you don’t ever wear
- That cup/bowl/bucket of loose change (Cash it in!)
- Candle stubs
Kids Room
- Dried-out markers and art supplies
- Broken crayons
- Broken toys
- Clothes they’ve grown out of
- Toys they don’t play with anymore
- Furniture they’re too big for now
- Extra artwork
Hall Closet
- Moth-ruined coats or scarves
- Broken umbrellas
- Almost-empty rolls of wrapping paper
- Broken items
- Extra blankets you never use
- Just-in-case gifts you keep on hand but never use
- That old vacuum that doesn't suck
- Old holiday decorations you don’t use anymore
- Plastic bins that just take up space
- The air bed that sinks when anyone gets on it
- The ratty old suitcases you never use anymore
- Dusting cloths that have seen better days
- Broken, rusted or duplicate tools
- Sports equipment that no longer gets used
- Deflated sports balls
- That old refrigerator that doesn’t work anymore
- Things you’re saving for a future garage sale that’s never going to happen
- Old potting soil you no longer need
- Extra paint for a color that’s no longer in your house
- Unfinished DIY projects that will never get completed
- Extra home improvement supplies that you’ll never need
- The picnic basket you haven’t used in years
- Boxes for appliances or gadgets you’re saving just in case
- The folding card table that’s scratched or broken