Photo: Getty Images
According to contributors on Reddit, some of us have rules that only apply to the weekends!
Here's a look at some of people's "rules":
- “I do not Cook on Fridays. Friday is for going out or take out.”
- “Never ever ever check my emails. Leave that sh*t for Monday.”
- “Can’t start drinking until noon or later.”
- “No sleeping after 12pm and before 8pm, otherwise my sleep schedule is f**ked.”
- “No anything-work-related on Sundays. Just relaxing the whole day. Unfortunately, Saturday is my busiest day of the week.”
- “What rules? There are rules? I just do whatever the f**k I want...”
- “I don't workout on Saturday or Sunday.”
- “I don't sleep in more than 1/2 hour from when I get up on weekdays.”
- “Unless I have specific plans that involve going out I put on a fresh pair of pajamas to wear around home on Sundays.”
- “Mimosas at Sunday brunch set the intention for the day.”
- “One day is to stay in and relax. I already leave the house 4/5 days a week for work. I deserve at least one day for nothing.”
- “Not to do things that I do on weekdays. Otherwise it is not a weekend.”
- “Sunday is me day. Nobody contact me unless it’s an emergency. I sleep in, get buzzed and relax.”
- Photo Credit Getty Images