Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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These 7 rules for summer Editquette are very important

Woman walking on the beach looking at the sun

Photo: Getty Images

Photo credit: Getty Images

We're more than a week into summer. Have you broken any of these rules yet? Here are a few summer etiquette rules to keep in mind straight from etiquette consultants . . .

1. Don't assume it's "fun" to splash people. That includes cannonballs that splash outside the pool. And also splashing someone who's just getting INTO the pool.

2. Don't set up right next to someone at the beach if there's room to spread out. And don't block their view of the water by setting up right in front of them either.

3. When you leave the beach, don't shake out your sandy towel right next to someone. Pay attention to which way the wind is blowing too.

4. Take your sunglasses off when greeting people. That's sort of upper-level etiquette, so don't worry about it TOO much. It's just weird to never see someone's eyes.

5. Don't show up to a fine-dining restaurant in flip-flops. We kind of relax our own rules on vacation, or near the beach. But it's okay to still put a LITTLE effort in.

6. Don't blast your music. That goes for anywhere in public. But even at a backyard cookout, your neighbors might not want to hear it.

7. Don't set off fireworks in the middle of the night. You can get away with it around the Fourth. But expect some angry neighbors after that. 

(Trvl / BSE / Aleteia / UNH)

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