Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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Don't mow the lawn to save the bees???

“No Mow May” is a new movement that started in the UK and is gaining traction in the U.S. as a way to help our yards … and help the bees. The idea is that you won’t mow your lawn for the entire month of May – the grass will grow, lawn flowers will bloom, and native bees will emerge from hibernation and feast on the local pollen. If you do choose to participate, we suggest informing your neighbors – that way they don’t just think you’re being lazy. Heck, maybe they’ll get in on the trend too! Also, you’ll want to check your local HOA to make sure that you won’t get fined for extremely tall grass heights – most HOA’s start having a problem if the lawn extends past 8 or 10 inches tall. If you can’t participate fully, maybe consider just cutting back on how often you mow during the spring – every little bit will help the bees thrive!

Also- it's a good excuse if you don't feel like mowing your grass

Photo: Getty Images

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