Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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Who has it harder these days? Kids or their parents when THEY were young?

Most kids have probably had to sit through their parents or grandparents telling them how hard they had it compared to today’s younger generations. But a new survey suggests most people actually think young folks have it harder than ever before:

A new Pew Research poll finds:

  • There are several areas in life where Americans believe young folks have it harder than their parents did.
  • The most common include saving for the future (72%), paying for college (71%) and buying a home (70%).
  • Relationships are also apparently a bigger struggle for younger adults.
  • 46% of Americans say it’s harder for adults today to find a spouse or partner.
  • 21% say it’s easier to find a spouse or partner, while 32% feel it’s the same.
  • When it comes to work, 39% of Americans say it’s harder for young people, compared to what their parents went through, although roughly the same amount (40%) say it’s easier.

But there are areas folks think young adults have it easier.

  • 74% of adults say younger generations have it easier when it comes to staying connected with family and friends.
  • Only 14% say it’s harder.
  • In addition, 41% say it’s easier for young adults to get into college than it was for their parents.
  • Only 33% say getting into college is harder for younger generations and 26% feel it’s about the same.

Source: Pew Research

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