Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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Coffee, Wine and Cocktails from a PRINTER!!!

A new machine can print... yes PRINT a drink for you in minutes. Coke, Coffee, Wine, Cocktail... what do you need?

Cana has invented a machine that can literally turn water into wine. No joke. It's called the Molecular Beverage Printer and it'll be available by 2023.

It provides the flavors, sugar, carbonation, and alcohol. You can choose the drink you want, the level of alcohol and then the machine goes to work. The result should be a tasty drink without environmental damage. It lessens the plastics used for all the beverages we drink daily.

It's as small as a typical countertop appliance for your kitchen. It took a team of scientists three years of studying popular beverages at the molecular level, according to Cana. Researchers were able to isolate the trace compounds behind flavor and aroma. They used that information to be able to create a large choice of drinks you can make at home.

Cana says it's 20-30% cheaper per drink compared to buying it in the bottle at the store.

EVERY OFFICE needs this printer. The problem though... it'll probably be broken half the time like the real printer, and you'll look like a total lush screaming, "JUST PRINT MY DAMN OLD FASHIONED ALREADY!" out loud at work.

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