Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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Dating Nerves? You are not alone


Being locked in our homes and apartments for a year definitely took a toll on all of our social skills, sometimes I literally have no idea what to talk to people about anymore! If you have the same thoughts about getting back in the dating scene the you're not alone!

Recent reports from dating sites have found a new phobia among users, FODA - Fear of Dating Again. The dating app Hinge reports that 44% of singles have hesitations about going on legit dates again and another report shows that 38% of people on the apps are nervous about their social skills when it comes to sitting across the table from a stranger.

The best recommendation from the experts? Baby steps. Take it easy and go slow as you get back in to the dating pool. Instead of going out for a nice dinner, commit to a quick coffee or drink date first.

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