Have you ever thought about going toMarsand the possibility of human life on that planet? Well in order to prepare to eventually send astronauts to Mars, NASA is taking applications for four people to live for a year in Mars Dune Alpha. The Mars Dune Alpha is a 1,700-square-foot Martian habitat, created by a 3D-printer, and inside a building at Johnson Space Center in Houston. The paid volunteers will work a simulated Martian exploration mission complete with spacewalks, limited communications back home, restricted food and resources and equipment failures. There will be three of these experiments with the first one starting in the fall next year. If you're wonder about food, it will all be ready-to-eat space food and at the moment there will be no window, but some plants will be grown.
The application process just opened and the requirements include: a master’s degree in a science, engineering or math field, or pilot experience. Only American citizens or permanent U.S. residents are eligible. Applicants have to be between 30 and 55, in good physical health with no dietary issues and not prone to motion sickness.
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