If you spend any time around kids, you know they can sometimes seem a little ungrateful for all the wonderful things we do for them. So after growing tired of hearing her children complain that she “never buys them anything,” one mom came up with a funny way to show them just how wrong they are.
Candace, aka @tiktokin_mama2, is known on TikTok for gently roasting her offspring and poking fun at the highs and lows of motherhood. Her motto is “be the mom that stops worrying what other people think” and she was over her kids saying she doesn’t buy them anything. In avideoof her perfect response, she says, “I’ll show them,” and proceeds to go around their house showing all the things she has in fact bought them by wrapping items and putting bows on things.
She doesn’t hold back, sticking bows on everything from the toilet paper roll to the light switch. The stove and the faucet are included as well and then Candace goes all out and wraps the actual house in wrapping paper. The video, which has racked up 18-million views and 1.8-million likes, has TikTokers cheering. “Savage, mom,” one writes. “Love this!” And another points out, “Make sure you put a bow on top of their heads since you gave them life!”