Most everyone had moments when they didn’t get along with their parents, usually during their teenage years. Not many have a fight with their mother and spend the next six years digging a hole in the backyard, but that’s exactly whatAndres Cantodid. Six years ago, his mother told him to change before going out with friends; Canto refused, and his mother refused to let him leave. At that point, the then-14-year-old Canto headed to the backyard and started digging a hole.
That’s a weird temper tantrum, especially because he kept going. Canto says for the first three years, he “just wanted to see how deep a hole I could dig.” He then decided to see if he could turn it into a “livable space,” so his best friend lent him a pneumatic drill and started spending his afternoons helping Canto with his project, which now includes a stereo system, an oven, WiFi, seating for four people, and a single bed. Canto says his friends think it’s awesome.
Yeah, but what about his parents? Well, “awesome” isn’t a word they would use. Canto says that every time he finishes a new room, “they ask if I’m done already.” His parents will be disappointed to learn he’s not; the 20-year-old actor says he’ll “probably add a jacuzzi next.”