Think about how important financial literacy is in today's world. Now think about how much time was spent going over these concepts in school. For me, the ratio is way off. And like many people growing up, I spent most of my early 20s learning how important financial literacy just is...the hard way.
Luckily, it is 2021 and the resources for growth in this subject are growing exponentially. Many of which turn a rather dry subject into something extremely entertaining on top of being educational. A couple of producers who've been hitting it out of the park lately with content such as that,Joe Posner, Emily Anderson, and Mona Lalwani from Voxare releasing a new Netflix documentary.
FromSextoThe MindtoThe Future of Meat, Vox's 'Explained," tackles big ideas and turns them into interesting digestible documentaries. Their next venture is, you guessed it; Money. Check out the trailer:
It is on Netflix now!