If you have young kids or are thinking about starting a family, you probably have thought a lot aboutwhereexactly you want to raise your family. Perhaps it's a matter of choosing which city in your general area you would like to have your kids grow up and go to school, or it's somewhere else entirely!
A recent studyby experts at the personal finance website WalletHub have found the BEST and WORST states to raise a family. So let's dive into what they found, shall we??
The study determined these best and worst states based on the 50 U.S. states being broken down "across 52 key indicators of family-friendliness," including family fun, health and safety, education and child care, affordability and socio-economics.
As for the top 5 states? These were found to be: Vermont, New York, North Dakota, Minnesota and Massachusetts.
The bottom 5 states are: Oklahoma, Louisiana, West Virginia, Mississippi and New Mexico.
The top 5 states scored high based on things like good childcare options, low crime, things to do with your family, and affordable housing. Which is certainly important - it can't only be about the cost of living and raising a family but also what you can DO with the cost.
The lower states scored so low because of not having a lot of activities for family fun, low health and safety ranks, and families living in poverty. New Mexico specifically came in last place because of its low scores in education and child care.
For those of us here in California - we fall directly in the middle at #25. SO it could be better and it could be worse! We scored the absolute highest in the "family fun" section which makes perfect sense to me, but scored lower (40th) for health and safety and education and child care (43rd).
I will take right in the middle, though! We're close to so much family here and it could certainly be worse!
Would you ever move based on this study??
Photo: Getty Images