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Keeper, a matchmaking service, created a dating calculator that shows you “what percent of men/women in the United States meet your standards” — and your chances of finding Mr. or Mrs. Right may be slimmer than you think, especially if you’re picky. The dating company released the calculator in July 2023 but updated the tool last week, Jake Kozloski, the founder and CEO of Keeper, told The Post. Kozloski explained how the calculations “shows you how rare your perfect person is.” The “Standards calculator” allows participants to select 14 traits they desire in a partner, including gender, age, height, minimum income, family plans and habits.
Example: If you’re seeking a male partner, who doesn’t want kids, age range between 22 to 42 years old, over six feet tall, has a minimum income of $100,000, white ethnicity with blonde hair, blue eyes, has a master’s degree, believes in Christianity, doesn’t smoke or drink and is not married or obese, results show there are 0.001% of men who hit the mark.
Many people refer to the calculator as the “Preferences Calculator, the Delusion Calculator, the Reality Calculator, the Build-A-Man Calculator, or the Build-A-Woman Calculator,” according to Keeper’s website.